The Global Crisis Information Network Inc is a non-profit organization based in the United States. Our original mission was to focus on climate change and make sense of the complex facts related to it, and to let the public know how serious an issue catastrophic climate change is. From 2020 onwards, we have expanded our mission and are covering interconnected global crises including pandemics, threats to democracy and major wars such as the crisis in Ukraine.
On climate change we are using this website – and the arts – to highlight the issues related to it. Our goal with this website is to present the current facts on climate change simply, and to imagine what the world might look like one day if we do not act on climate change soon. We also hope to encourage the public, through this website, to find innovative solutions to our global crisis.
Dr Tapio Kanninen is President of New York based Global Crisis Informant Network Inc. He was Chief of the Policy Planning Unit in the UN Department of Political Affairs (1998-2005) and Head of the Secretariat of Kofi Annan’s five Summits with Regional Organizations. Kanninen has worked on several UN reforms: as secretary and research focal point of the high-level drafting group of Boutros-Boutros Ghali’s An Agenda for Peace and convener of the interdepartmental task force to implement its recommendations; secretary of General Assembly Working Groups on An Agenda for Peace; of Strengthening of the UN System; and of Security Council reform. He also worked as a team member of the UNEP-funded project in the UN Statistical Office to develop a global framework for environmental statistics.
Dr Kanninen worked from 2012-2014 to establish the Climate Leadership Coalition Inc ( and became a member when it was established in 2014. CLC is now the largest climate business network in Europe. From 2008 to 2019 Kanninen was Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Project on Sustainable Global Governance at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies at the Graduate School of the City University of New York.
Previous to an extensive international career, Kanninen worked at the Statistics Finland, a state statistic agency, and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. He was in charge of the preparations for Finland’s first social indicator publication Living Conditions in Finland 1950-1975 and the second environmental statistics yearbook. Kanninen holds a M.A. in economics from the University of Helsinki and a Ph.D. in political science from the Graduate Center of The City University of New York. His Ph.D. dissertation was based on his work in Javier Perez de Cuellar’s Office on the UN financial crisis and reform and published as Leadership and Reform (1995) by Kluwer. He is also an author of Crisis of Global Sustainability (2013) by Routledge. In 2004, Kanninen was invited to join the prominent Club of Rome, the history and impact of which is described in Kanninen’s 2013 book.